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Buying Package Software: Five Tips To Help Cut Through The Sales Pitch And Buy The Right Package

Package software is often one of the largest technology expenditures of a business. The promise of package software is compelling: replace unwieldy custom applications developed in-house with a standardized, integrated system, built on processes based on the latest industry best practices. All this is combined with promises of a fast implementation and relatively painless upgrades when the next version of the package is released. The popularity of package software has seen the development ...

Cleaning Your Computer With HijackThis

Warning: HijackThis is an advanced tool. To use it effectively you may need to understand concepts such as the Windows registry, and be willing to make changes to system critical files. Use at your own risk.

7 Great Computer User Tips - For Windows® Users Only

An Easy Performance Enhancement If you’re using the NTFS filing protocol on your system, instead of FAT32, you can get a bit more speed by disabling Windows® Indexing. The downside to this is that searching your drive for a specific file might take a moment or two longer, but everything else should run faster.

5 Minute Guide to ERP

Information technology has transformed the way we live and the way we do business. ERP, or Enterprise Resource Planning, is one of most widely implemented business software systems in a wide variety of industries and organizations. In this short article, we’ll try to concisely explain the basic yet important concepts relevant to ERP.

Photoshop Tutorial Secrets From the Trenches: Seven Essential Steps to Digital Workflow

I've been shooting with digital cameras in my portrait and wedding photography studio for about five years now, and in that time I've taken well over 50,000 exposures.

The importance of shareware submission

The first step to increase your shareware sales is submitting your product to the top ranked download sites and directories. Tips on how to promote your software using shareware submission.

The first step to increase your shareware sales is submitting your product to the top ranked download sites and directories. Tips on how to promote your software using shareware submission.

History of shareware

Shareware as a software distribution method being developed extensively. Find out how shareware become so popular. How did shareware become so popular? What started in the early 80's as an initiative to share free software amongst users of the newly launched IBM PCs, turned into a billion dollar industry.

You want to sell more software from your website?

You want to sell more software from your website? How do you make the client truly understand your product and trust it – and your company – enough to pay the price? Tips on what you should do.

Selling software online: How do you present your software?

People want to see what they buy, try before they buy instead of taking your word for it and know where to turn to if something goes wrong. These are some of the things you should consider when thinking of how to sell software online and how to present it.

Shareware: efficient way of marketing software

Considered for a long time as a selling technique of young software developers, shareware is a software marketing method that starts gaining ground with big companies too. The idea behind shareware distribution is letting clients try the software before buying the full version, by downloading a trial version from your website. There are several types of shareware programs:

Cross selling software for higher sales

Cross selling can be used as an effective tool of getting additional revenue from clients, offering them similar or complementary products. Studies show it costs four times more to gain a new customer than it does to keep an old one.

Macromedia Dreamweaver Vs Microsoft FrontPage

If you are new to web design and don’t know where to start, it is probably best that you devote some time initially in selecting the most appropriate web editor. The two most popular WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors are Microsoft’s FrontPage and Macromedia’s Dreamweaver.

PC Repair Using The Tools Supplied With Windows

When your pc goes wrong it is usually time to pay someone to fix it, or call in a big favour from your favourite computer geek of a friend. Sometimes though it's not always necessary to fall back on these two alternatives to repair your pc. There are an abundance of tools supplied with Windows, or for free download which you may be able to use to fix your own pc.

How To Speed Up Windows XP

The default install of Windows XP includes features and processes most users don't need. If you're involved in gaming or multimedia, and you can't afford a top-of-the-range PC, here are a few tips to get the most out of your machine.

Developing Software by the 15% Rule

Writing software on a consulting basis can often be a losing proposition for developers or clients or both. There are too many things that can go wrong, and that ultimately translates into loss of time and money. The “15% rule” we’ve come up with is intended to create a win-win situation for both parties (or at least make it fair for everyone). Clients generally get what they want, and development shops make a fair profit. It’s not a perfect solution, but so far it seems to be ...

Synchronize Outlook Contacts Automatically For The Entire Office

If there is one thing that frustrates small business owners, it is ineffective contact management. There is a way to handle the process of updating existing contacts, the addition of new contacts, and the deletion of inactive contacts. We are all mobile these days with our laptop and PDA serving as extensions of our office. So how do we add a new contact to our PDA in the morning and distribute that new contact to other office members by the next morning? Better still, how can we correct a ...

Software Product Documentation

The ideal software would be free of errors and so easy to use that everybody would be familiar with it the minute they start the application. However, this is not the case in real life. Besides the quality of the software product, there’s something else that makes or breaks the deal: technical support. The better the support software publishers and shareware authors provide, the more users are likely to buy the product.

A Common Misconception About Object-Oriented Programming

I’ve seen it time and again. A computer programmer proudly proclaims, “Yeah, my code is object-oriented. See? My data members are all private, and they can only be reached through public member functions. That’s what being object-oriented is all about.” I’ve even heard this kind of drivel come from the mouths of Computer Science graduates—people who have presumably studied object-orientation in the classroom, or who would have had ample opportunity to educate themselves.

The Upcoming Battle for Your Desktop: Microsoft Vs Google (Part 1)

While the great majority of the community waits and waits for the latest version of Windows (Windows Vista) to be released, there is a group of people that have their eyes set on another information giant: Google. You may now ask yourself: What is it that brings these two huge companies together? Or, how are these two companies related? Well, it so happens that, according to various sources on the Internet, Google would be preparing itself to give Redmond its biggest blow yet on their battle ...

The Upcoming Battle for Your Desktop: Microsoft Vs Google (Part 2)

On our first delivery we took a look at what each one of these huge companies (google and Microsoft) are about to launch into the World, setting up the framework for the way in which we will probably relate to technology in the very near future…this time around lets take a further look at one of the parties in question.

7 basic software marketing techniques

Do you know everything about software promotion? If you are a web developer that sells software online, here are the basic software marketing methods that will help you boost your sales. Learn about each one, and find the winning combination that will bring you more buyers. 1. Continuous Search Engine Optimization

Why You Should Buy Windows Vista 2

There has been so much talk about Windows Vista but it seems that the house is divided. It seems inevitable for users to move up to a higher operating system but some are simply not willing to concede and surrender XP. If you look closely at the abundant blogs in the internet, many are filled with reasons why not to buy Vista. On the other hand, there can be some good reasons to buy too. Naturally, we all want to be updated and move with the changes in technology. Other than this soon to be ...

Increase Your System Performance with a few Basic Windows XP Tweaks

Windows XP is currently the most popular operating system for personal computers and comes in two broad categories--XP Home and XP Pro. XP home is designed for home users who do not need the more heavyweight corporate applications such as a web server but still require a scalable and reliable operating system. While Windows XP runs well out of the box, there are tricks that can be used to optimize your installation. There are great Windows XP tweaks that involve broadband settings, registry ...

How to Configure OpenLDAP for the AXIGEN Mail Server

What is LDAP? LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. This protocol is used to access a directory listing. It is being implemented in Web browsers and e-mail programs to enable lookup queries (searches for certain types of information). When compared to other querying architectures such as SQL databases, lookup speed is the major advantage of using LDAP. In large companies, a huge number of requests are made and storing the information in a database becomes a very ...

How to Use Windows XP "System Restore"

Basically, System Restore is like a little hound that runs behind the scenes taking "snapshots" of various parts of the Microsoft Windows XP operating system. So, if a part of Microsoft Windows XP stops working one day, the System Restore utility is able to reference one of the "snapshots" it took and restore your system from a previous day (a day when your computer worked). It's kind of like going back in time to a day when your computer worked. All your current data (Microsoft Word files, ...

10 Simple Ways To Speed Up Your Windows XP

One of the factors that slow the performance of the computer is disk fragmentation. When files are fragmented, the computer must search the hard disk when the file is opened to piece it back together. To speed up the response time, you should monthly run Disk Defragmenter, a Windows utility that defrags and consolidates fragmented files for quicker computer response. Follow Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Disk ...

Pros And Cons Of Linux. Is It Right For Your Business?

What is Linux?Linux is an operating system, like Microsoft Windows, MacOS, or Unix. It was created as a hobby by Linus Torvalds, a student at the University of Helsinki in Finland. What most people don’t know about Linux is that its source code is available to anyone. The Linux source code is called the kernel and it is the base of the Linux operating system. Because the source code or kernel is free, it has enabled hundreds of companies and individuals to release their own operating ...

What Is MySQL And Does Your Business Need It?

What is MySQL?First released in May 23, 1995, MySQL is an open source database software. It is part of a large and growing family of open source software including Linux, Apache, and programming languages PHP and Perl. However, unlike many open source products where the copyright is owned by the individual authors or distributors, MySQL is owned and sponsored by a single for-profit firm, MySQL AB, which holds the copyright to most of the codebase. They develop and maintain the system, sell ...

PowerPoint Tips

Are you puzzled when using PowerPoint sometimes? In this article, I will list some small PowerPoint tips. Maybe they are all common, but practical ones. Hope these tips will make you convenient in your work and life.

Difference between 32 bit and 64 bit OS.

During my research about 64 and 32 bit operating system I found many people confused about what computer they should purchase or what bit system they should choose…I think this article should be a great help for people to choose the correct machine for their use.